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Borders of Fear Workshop: Migration, Technology and Data Protection


Borders of Fear Workshop: Migration, Technology and Data Protection




Disruption Network Lab


Berlin (DE)


Migrant Media Network



In this workshop, Disruption Network Lab revisit some of the topics addressed during the Borders of Fear panel discussions. The Migrant Media Network take the participants on a journey of irregular migration with the aim of understanding the nexus between migration, technology and data protection.

During the closing community panel, Creating Safe Passages, Thomas Kalunge (Strategy advisor/Agile Project Manager, Migrant Media Network / r0g_agency) brought up the question how fairness and protection play a role in a society with great inequality regarding technological innovation targeting marginalized groups. On this evening, we seek to understand, from the perspective of a migrant, if it is possible to implement innovative technology in migration management responsibly and with respect for human dignity and lives.

Understanding migration and its’ patterns and flows both in the mid- and long-term has continuedly proven difficult: even more so due to the highly dynamic and accelerated changes in people’s mobility. Given this, policymakers and decision-makers often find themselves being reactive rather than proactive. While we accept that no crystal ball gives one insight into a topic that is increasingly uncertain and volatile, we believe that this uncertainty can be reduced by having an inclusive discussion that brings together all stakeholders.

The Migrant Media Network (#MMN) is a project by the r0g_agency for open culture & critical transformation that provides young Africans with reliable information and training on migration issues and social media to make informed decisions and be aware of safer migration options to Europe. #MMN promotes youth entrepreneurship at home as a way to build economic and social resilience, encouraging youth to create their own opportunities and work within their communities.

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