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Moving Into Sparsely-Lit Areas


Moving Into Sparsely-Lit Areas




Bergen Kunsthall


Bergen (NO)


Daniela Ramos, Eva Rowson, Freja Bäckman, Hilde Marie Pedersen, Jordi Ferreiro, Maria Acaso, Unge Kunstkjennere (NO) and Åse Løvgren



Moving into sparsely-lit areas is an evening to think together about how users of, and workers in cultural spaces, are communicating with different publics. A meeting in a darkly-lit setting, conceived by artist Freja Bäckman, to share and discuss what types of exchange can develop if we move away from ‘the bright lights’ that are directed towards confirmed forms of learning. When we move into the shadows, the not-yet-known and the sparsely-lit spaces, is it possible to shake up traditional hierarchies of speaker and listener? Together we collectively re-imagine the infrastructures of language and mediation in our institutions – and how we can create spaces in which unknown encounters, open-ended methods of communicating, learning, sharing, and sometimes just being together, can unfold.…

The participants hear from varied methods of mediation, from the experimental and consciousness-raising exhibitions at Bergen Kunsthall in the 1970s, to feminist science-fiction about the relation between communication and social organisation, to Unge Kunstkjennere’s mission to open up the Kunsthall to new audiences.

Photo Courtesy of the organisation

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