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Searching the Earth: Using Geolocation Techniques As a Verification Method


Searching the Earth: Using Geolocation Techniques As a Verification Method




Disruption Network Lab


Berlin (DE)


Hadi El-Khatib (SY/DE)



Disruption Network Lab’s second community meetup is led by by Hadi El-Khatib of the Syrian Archive – الأرشيف السوري and called ‘Searching the Earth: Using geolocation techniques as a verification method’. It invites participants to learn about their workflow for collecting and verifying information about human rights violations – with a special focus on geolocation techniques. Participants are introduced to the geolocation techniques: determining the exact location where a photo or video was taken in order to verify it. Online maps and satellite imagery services are important tools for this verification method that is used by investigative journalists as well as international human rights organizations and institutions such as the International Criminal Court. During the workshop, the Syrian Archive’s workflow on how to collect and verify information about attacks on civilians and civilian infrastructure is presented.

Photo Courtesy of the organisation

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