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Lucy Railton

Lucy Railton

Lucy Railton (UK) has been recognised as one of the UK’s most embedded members of the music scene as both performer and programmer, founding the series Kammer Klang at Cafe Oto in 2008 and the London Contemporary Music Festival in 2013 and collaborating with a huge range of artists between music, dance and visual arts. Whilst maintaining a long engagement with contemporary music and regularly performing works by other composers, particularly that of Lucier, Feldman and Xenakis, Railton has moved towards composition in recent years, releasing her debut solo album Paradise 94 on Modern Love in 2018, and making new work with synthesiser inventor, Peter Zinovieff. She has held residencies at Dark Ecology/Sonic Acts, Somerset House, London and EMS Stockholm, is guest lecturer at London’s Royal Academy of Music and is currently working with the Institute of Contemporary Art and Bill Dietz on a series of events highlighting the work of Maryanne Amacher.



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