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Community Building through Artist-led Workshops

Community Building through Artist-led Workshops

By Sandra Trienekens & Arie Altena


Mario de Vega and Victor Mazón Gardoqui





Mario de Vega’s and Victor Mazón Gardoqui’s workshop Speculation as Interface is a good example of the artist-driven workshops that Sonic Acts organises. Partly based on an interview with Mario de Vega and Victor Mazón Gardoqui, this text explains the rationale behind organising artist-led masterclasses and workshops at Sonic Acts, and the role they can play in building communities of interest.

This article is part of the Re-Imagine Europe publication. The publication collects articles, essays, interviews and reports about audience engagement for interdisciplinary arts organisations. It aims to share knowledge gained throughout the Re-Imagine Europe project with professionals in the cultural sector who would like to gain a deeper insight in audience development and capacity building.

Photo Pieter Kers

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