Developing Online Audiences
Re-Imagine Europe (2017-2021) was a four-year project involving ten cultural organisations from across Europe. With a programme of residencies, commissions, symposia, and workshops, the project partners stimulated both artistic production and audience development. They experimented with new ways of developing audiences, motivated by the ambition to develop a broader and more engaging approach to audience development.
The main aim of Re-Imagine Europe was to engage audiences through art with the social and political challenges that are decisive for Europe’s future, such as climate change, rising nationalism, and migration. Therefore, the project partners commissioned new interdisciplinary and experimental works to address these issues and to engage audiences. Throughout the project, special attention was paid to how technological advances continue to change society, politics, and the ways we interact, and how new technologies urge us to explore new modes of acting and thinking.
Rather than suggesting one coherent vision for the future, Re-Imagine Europe provided a platform to many, very different artistic voices and perspectives.
This guide aims to share knowledge gained throughout the Re-Imagine Europe project with professionals in the cultural sector who would like to gain a deeper insight into audience development. It could never be comprehensive but we hope it’s a useful starting point.
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