DISRUPT THE SYSTEM NOT THE CLIMATE: Surveillance, Climate Change & Global Conflict
DISRUPT THE SYSTEM NOT THE CLIMATE is Disruption Network Lab’s closing event of 2019, which wraps up the 2019 conference series ‘The Art of Exposing Injustice’, as well as the first year of the Activation community programme. Following the previous conferences on exposing pervasive forms of control and investigating ways to produce technological and political awareness, the programme involves the Berlin-based Digitale Freiheit (Digital Freedom) collective and Australian journalist and OSINT researcher Michael Cruickshank. The talks addresses respectively counter-surveillance techniques and the right to privacy as well as how climate change is intertwined with political conflicts. The talks are followed by a live performance by the privacy-electropunk band “Systemabsturz”.
The programme of the evening is curated by Tatiana Bazzichelli & Lieke Ploeger.
Photo Courtesy of the organisation
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