A Temporary Public
By Margarita Osipian
A workshop can act as a temporary social space that offers an agile and responsive format to address and respond to social and political changes. A workshop is also a means for cultural organisations to deepen relations with their existing audiences and connect to new ones.In this article, Margarita Osipian takes the Elevate Festival in Graz, Austria, and A4 in Bratislava, Slovakia, as case studies for examining how the format of workshops and informal education within a festival feeds into audience development. She interviewed Bernhard Steirer, Roland Oreski and Daniel Erlacher of Elevate Festival, and Slávo Krekovič and Ľudovít Nápoký of A4, to dive deeper into these questions.
This article is part of the Re-Imagine Europe publication. The publication collects articles, essays, interviews and reports about audience engagement for interdisciplinary arts organisations. It aims to share knowledge gained throughout the Re-Imagine Europe project with professionals in the cultural sector who would like to gain a deeper insight in audience development and capacity building.
Photo Manuel Rieder
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