© JB Garcia / INA grm
Eigatė is Marija Rasa’s new multichannel piece commissioned by INA grm.
Roaming through bodies and space, they are all parts of one another. They co-create themselves, and reveal our inevitable interconnectedness. Eigatė (gait) is part of a series of acousmatic works that Marija Rasa created for multichannel audio setups. The piece is fashioned from recordings made during ordinary and less ordinary walks, and these are intertwined with delicate noise and electronic sounds. Through the use of a technique called micro-montage, Eigatė morphs into a swaying fictional soundscape that echoes the multilayered memory of the vivid and often rowdy city of Brussels.
INA grm also facilitated a residency period, during which Marija Rasa worked at GRM’s specialised sound studios in Paris to compose the piece. The composition premiered in May 2024 at INA grm’s Akousma concert series in Paris, France.
Premiere: 2024
Commissioner: INA grm
This work is available for touring.
Contact for Presentations: grm@ina.fr