Photo credits Jean-Baptiste-Garcia
INA grm commissioned a new composition from cellist Judith Hamann. Exploring tending and care practices, the work reiterates unspoken actions to forge a sonic in-between space, a care worn track of repeated footsteps.
The term from the title of cellist Judith Hamann’s performance – desire paths – refers to the phenomenon of unofficial paths created by the frequent use and reliance on their habits, and at the same time as a result of resistance to official, planned paths, or to some types of obstacles.
The title refers to well-known and often used compositional, musical and sound solutions or movements used in the work. It is therefore a kind of resistance to such an organized way of movement or tendency. Many people, consciously or unconsciously, develop their own tendencies over time, thus creating their own “desire paths”, and Judith Hamann studied her own (in the form of a tendency to develop microtonal situations focused around the interval of a major second) in her work.
Judith Hamann’s piece Desire Paths for solo cello and tape premiered at INA grm’s Akousma concert series in November 2023 in Paris, France. She performed the piece on the Acousmonium, INA grm’s unique multichannel sound system.
Commissioned by INA grm (2023)
Premiered by INA grm in Paris, France (2023)
Further Presentations:
Borealis Festival 2024 in Bergen, Norway
KONTEJNER’s Gibanja Festival 2024 in Zagreb, Croatia