Adrián Balseca

Adrián Balseca (Ecuador, 1989) is a visual artist, lives and works in Buenos Aires, Argentina. Some of his most recent exhibitions are: Nyctalopia (Void Art Centre, Derry, 2023); In Praise of Darkness, 55° Visions Du Réel International Film Festival (Nyon, 2024); Critical Landscapes: Selected Works from the Ella Fontanals-Cisneros Collection (MCA Denver, Denver, 2023); ROUTING RUBBER (New York, 2024; The genetically altered seed breaks the rhythm of an earthly music-Encounters over Several Plants (TATE Modern, London, 2022); Who Tells a Tale Adds a Tail: Latin America and Contemporary Art (Denver Art Museum, Denver, 2022); San Paolo 34th Biennale: Faz escuro mas eu canto (Padiglione Ciccillo Matarazzo, San Paolo, 2021); amongst others.
The exhibition, Cambio de fuerza, has been created in collaboration with Galeria Madragoa (Lisbon) and with the support of the Compagnia di San Paolo, the Fondazione CRT, the Regione Piemonte and the City of Turin.