Jutta Weber

Jutta Weber

Jutta Weber is a science & technology studies scholar and professor of media, culture & society at the Institute of Media Studies at Paderborn University (DE). Her research focuses on computational technoscience culture(s) asking how and for whom the non/human actors work. She is currently leading two BMBF research networks: ‘Meaningful Human Control. Autonomous Weapon Systems between Reflection and Regulation’ (MEHUCO) as well as ‘Being Tagged’: The digital reorganisation of the world (Ubitag). She has been a visiting professor i.a. at the Universities of Uppsala, Twente, Vienna. Selected publications: Autonomous Drone Swarms and the Contested Imaginaries of Artificial Intelligence. Digital War, Vol. 5 (1), 2024, 146–149; Technosecurity Cultures. Special Issue of ‘Science as Culture’. Vol. 29(1), March 2020 (ed. together with Katrin Kämpf); Human-Machine Autonomies. In: Nehal Bhuta et al. (Eds.): Autonomous Weapon Systems. Cambridge 2016, 75-102 (with Lucy Suchman); Keep Adding. Kill Lists, Drone Warfare and the Politics of Databases. In: Environment and Planning D. Society and Space, Vol. 34(1) 2016, 107-125.