RWM Working Group

The Radio Web MACBA Working Group began in 2016 with a simple proposal for the closest members of the RWM team to spend some time together, slow down processes, share physical space, and see what happened along the way. A straightforward and generous gesture: once a month, eleven times a year, we started to get together as much as our choked schedules allow, to cook and just hang out. Before, during, and after, we share our time obsessions and methodologies, we think aloud, and we teach each other. Ràdio Web MACBA is an online radio project based at MACBA Museu d’Art Contemporani de Barcelona.
RWM Working Group consists of pantea, Albert Tarrats, Anna Ramos, Roc Jiménez de Cisneros and Ivonne Villamil.
pantea is a sound artist from Iran engaging with narratives of ecological and more-than-human connection. Her work has incorporated creative writing, walking, performance, film, photography, and audiovisual design. They are co-directing the sound art collaborative So with Soundcamp Cooperative and co-facilitating Khamoosh, a transdisciplinary community dedicated to preserving and archiving Iranian sonic heritage. They are a member of the Radio Web MACBA working group, and is currently learning about socially-engaged practice and community-based work by exploring possibilities brought about by listening.
Albert Tarrats
Albert Tarrats works with sound and electronics, exploring alternative auditory formats and the relationship with space and with others, through live performances and the construction of sound objects and devices. He is currently researching how to compress mountains and is a member of the Ràdio Web MACBA Working Group.
Anna Ramos
Anna Ramos is responsible for Radio Web MACBA, the online radio project from the Barcelona Museum of Contemporary Art (MACBA), which was founded in 2006. She is an enthusiastic member of the RWM Working Group, and lives and works in Barcelona.
Roc Jiménez de Cisneros
Roc Jiménez de Cisneros is an artist from Barcelona. In 1996, he founded the computer music project EVOL, which has been the core of much of his artistic output to date. His approach can be understood as an aesthetic exploration of algorithmic composition and a deconstruction of rave culture.
Ivonne Villamil
Ivonne Villamil is an artist and researcher. Departing from the exploration of one of the components of Acoustic Ecology: geophony (or sounds of the earth), she currently works with listening devices and practices that are closely related to matter, memory and territory in Latin America. Her projects include different media such as installation, sculpture, drawing, sound art, audiovisual or performance; that create multiple narratives that address geopolitics, poetics and technology in the relationship between body and nature.
Photo credit: RWM by Gemma Planell