High latencies #3 – Ren Loren Britton

High latencies #3 – Ren Loren Britton

Ren Loren Britton is an artist, researcher, activist, and practitionerwhose work focuses on reimagining access, and anti-ableist cultural practices exploring non-normative time, linguistic nonlinear structures, at the intersections of arts, technology and pedagogy holding spaces for diverse temporalities.Questions around disability justice, trans*feminisms are key terms for the work that they do. 

This podcast delves into Radical access:
Access riders
Access servers
And the edges of access.

We also think of
access as feelings,
access as a mood, a-temporal desire.

The podcast also discusses stretching time. The slipperiness of the lived experience, trans*disabled lineages, histories of other past(s), the burden of remembering, the weight of datasets and unforgetting as an act of caring-

Ren Loren Britton also asks how disabled and trans*lineages world-shape their life what it means to organise a caring space safe spaces, unsafe spaces, braver spaces, when no space is fully safe for everyone. And in-between, we read some excerpts, from Ren Loren Britton’s and Constant’s “Collective Conditions”* protocol, to shape and re-imagine other ways of being together.

Listen back to the podcast via the website of Radio Web MACBA.
Or read the transcript, also on the website of Radio Web MACBA. 

31 Jan 2025

Partner organisation

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