Revisiting the Genoa G8 2001: Another World is Possible. Panel at DNL Smart Prisons

Revisiting the Genoa G8 2001: Another World is Possible. Panel at DNL Smart Prisons

Panel talk Revisiting the Genoa G8 2001: Another World is Possible, and it Needs Another Kind of Computing,  part of Disruption Network Lab’s conference Smart Prisons.

What links the brutal raid on the Diaz school in Genoa in 2001 to the abstractions of AI? What could possibly connect the sci-fi antics of ChatGPT and generative AI to the darkness of fascist police, boots and truncheons? How can a metadata forensic investigation using “old-school” technologies such as videotapes, land telephones, and cameras, be developed to support activists during trials? The 1990s and early 2000s were a time of great experimentation, joy and multiple struggles, involving a wide range of actors. A multiform, international movement took shape and connected through the streets of Seattle, Prague, Goteborg, and Genoa to launch an attack to capitalism and its representants.
This panel brings together three direct experiences of the Genoa G8 summit in 2001, when the summit of leaders of the most powerful countries in the world became a strategic trap in which activists were repressed and tortured, but also a starting point to rethink oppositional strategies, media tactics, and resistance.

With Carlo A. Bachschmidt (Film Director, IT), MF (Social Worker, IT/DE), Dan McQuillan (Lecturer in Creative and Social Computing, UK). Moderated by Tatiana Bazzichelli (Artistic Director, Disruption Network Lab, IT/DE).

01:15 Introduction by Tatiana Bazzichelli
15:02 Carlo A. Bachschmidt
46:00 MF
1:12:58 Dan McQuillan
1:31:49 Discussion and Q&A




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