Mourning Waters Workshop by Margarida Mendes at Sonic Acts Biennial 2024

Engaging with the manifold complexities of environmental relations, the Mourning Waters workshop with Margarida Mendes proposes a space to converse about changing ecosystems, while exploring how these may be celebrated and mourned collectively. In this session, participants will develop an attuned relation to water bodies and landscapes under threat, connecting personal experiences of grief with communal processes of mourning, and societal transformation. The weaving of testimonies will be carried through meditation techniques, sensoriograms and a listening circle, crossing individual journeys of solastalgia with the demand for environmental justice.
Please bring a yoga mat! Refreshments will be provided during the workshop.
Realised as a collaboration between Paradiso and Sonic Acts during Sonic Acts Biennial 2024.
Photo credit: Field work in the Mississippi river, Petrochemical Corridor (2019). Photo by Margarida Mendes.
Amsterdam (NL)
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