Think Like a Criminal – Workshop by Stevan Dojčinović

In the framework of conference Organised Crime, Disruption Network Lab presents the workshop Think Like a Criminal.
Organised crime is very creative in finding new ways to handle its businesses and avoid being discovered by law enforcement and investigative journalists. So, if you want to track down crime, investigate how organised crime groups operate all over the world and understand criminals – one of the crucial skills you need to learn is how to think like one of them.
Stevan Dojčinović, investigative editor of the Organized Crime and Corruption Reporting Project (OCCRP) will help you understand how different criminal groups function from the inside, “stepping into the shoes” of drug traffickers in this two-hour workshop.
Participants of Think Like a Criminal will be divided into groups and given tasks such as to “organize cocaine smuggling routes” or to “plan how to launder huge amounts of dirty money”. No worries, this will be pure role-playing, but the lessons will be real – after the workshop you will be able to recognize the main patterns of organized crime and corruption, and you really have to know them in order to fight them.
Before the workshop, Dojčinović will give a short presentation on organised crime and corruption trends, so that all participants will be able to fully engage in the session. Specific technical skills are not required for the workshop, nor is any equipment.
Berlin (DE)
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