Marcin Pietruszewski

Marcin Pietruszewski (1984) is a composer and researcher.
He is engaged in sound synthesis and composition with computers, exploring specific formal developments in the tradition of electroacoustic music and contemporary sound art, as well as extra-musical domains of auditory design, computational linguistics and psychoacoustics. He works across performance, multimedia installation and radio productions probing the dynamics between formalism of synthetic sound and its material realisation.
He has collaborated extensively with musicians and composers – e.g., Marcus Schmickler (performed and recorded Schmickler’s Demos for choir, chamber quintet and electronics), Tristan Clutterbuck (fancyyyyy), Jules Rawlinson and Lauren Sarah Hayes. Recent projects include a collaboration with Florian Hecker and a graphic design company NORM from Zurich, a philosopher Chris Schambaugh (The New School, New York), choreographer and dancer Agnes Cebere (Martha Graham School of Contemporary Dance, New York), the Laboria Cubonics Collective (the authors of Xenofeminist Manifesto).