Are Algorithms and Borders the New Jailers? Panel at DNL Smart Prisons

Are Algorithms and Borders the New Jailers? Panel at DNL Smart Prisons

The panel talk Are Algorithms and Borders the New Jailers? at Disruption Network Lab’s conference Smart Prisons focuses on systems of tracking and monitoring towards marginalised communities, connecting four different points of analysis.

From one side, it will analyse how minorities and migrants are monitored via automated technologies in prisons and in border detention centres; from the other side, it reflects on the conceptual meaning of borders and prisons, bringing to light stories of technological surveillance and oppression, as well as imagining how the experience of dividing barriers could be a starting point for new forms of resistance.

With Srishti Jaswal (Journalist, IN), Sanjana Varghese (Investigator at Airwars, Journalist, UK), Petra Molnar (Associate Director, Refugee Law Lab / Co-creator, Migration and Technology Monitor, CA/US), Fiamma Montezemolo (Artist and Anthropologist, IT/US). Moderated by Sonja Peteranderl (Journalist, DE).

00:00 Intro
00:15 Video Essay “Traces” by Fiamma Montezemolo
21:58 Introduction by Tatiana Bazzichelli
23:34 Introduction by Sonja Peteranderl
27:51 Srishti Jaswal
43:17 Sanjana Varghese
1:03:08 Petra Molnar
1:23:43 Fiamma Montezemolo
1:32:00 Discussion and Q&A




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