Targeted by Surveillance: Julian Assange · Stella Assange, Stefania Maurizi, Kevin Gosztola at DNL

Targeted by Surveillance: Julian Assange · Stella Assange, Stefania Maurizi, Kevin Gosztola at DNL

Panel talk Targeted by Surveillance: Julian Assange · Stella Assange, Stefania Maurizi, Kevin Gosztola at Disruption Network Lab’s conference Smart Prisons. 

As an introduction to the film Ithaka, this panel describes the pervasive surveillance, monitoring and personal control that has oppressed Julian Assange and WikiLeaks for more than ten years, and discusses the conditions around Assange’s incarceration at the Belmarsh high-security prison in the United Kingdom, where he has been imprisoned for four years, and faces indefinite detention, while the United States seeks his extradition to face a 175-year prison sentence. He is accused of receiving and publishing documents from Chelsea Manning which documented war crimes, extrajudicial killings and civilian casualties during the US occupations of Iraq and Afghanistan.

With Stella Assange (Julian Assange’s wife, Lawyer, UK), Kevin Gosztola (Journalist, Dissenter Newsletter Editor, US). Introduced and moderated by Stefania Maurizi (Investigative Journalist, IT).

0:19 Introduction by Tatiana Bazzichelli
2:50 Freheit Julian Assange presentation
08:17 Stella Assange
20:50 Kevin Gosztola
31:52 Stefania Maurizi
44:55 Discussion and Q&A




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