Whistleblower on Corruption and Organised Crime in Albania. Talk at DNL Organised Crime

Whistleblower on Corruption and Organised Crime in Albania. Talk at DNL Organised Crime

Dritan Zagani (Whistleblower, Former Anti-Drugs Police Officer, AL)

from the panel Politics, Money & Rifles: Exposing Global Mafias, Authoritarian Power & Corruption

00:27 Drug trafficking in Albania
02:41 Corrupted institutions
03:52 How has drug trafficking and policing in Albania changed?
04:29 Drug traffickers and the government
05:48 Current cases in Albania
06:47 Who is Dritan Zagani?
08:24 Today I am a fugitive
09:10 Leaving Albania
11:17 Minister released, Zagani sentenced to 7 years
12:05 What can the international community do?
13:40 What Iā€™m asking

Dritan Zagani is a former anti-drugs police officer and a whistleblower who currently resides in political asylum in Switzerland. Graduating from the police academy in 1993, Zagani has held various positions within the Albanian police force, focusing in recent years on anti-drugs. He sought refuge in Switzerland due to exposing the Habilaj drug trafficking network operating in the port of Vlora, Albania. Zagani’s revelation shed light on the alarming connections between the Albanian Ministry of Interior and a drug trafficking route with ties to Italy. His revelations, however, went unheeded. On the contrary, Zagani was placed under investigation for abuse of office. After spending several months in prison and under house arrest, he was granted political asylum in Switzerland.

Organised Crime: A Global Business Conferece

15 Dec 2023


Berlin (DE)

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