Andreas Trobollowitsch – hybrid #1 – ⥀12

Andreas Trobollowitsch – hybrid #1 – ⥀12

22 – 23 Oct 2023
Zagreb (HR)

“hybrid #1 – ⥀12” is a sound installation consisting of six self-built mechanical record players, flutes and balloons by the Viennese artist Andreas Trobollowitsch.

While the record players rotate at different speeds, the flutes attached to them are made to sound by the air flowing out of the balloons. The sound is modulated by the successively decreasing air pressure. Once the air has escaped from the balloons, the flutes also fall silent and only the sound of the empty rotating balloons can be heard.

Commissioned by Elevate and KONTEJNER, 2023
in cooperation with Universalmuseum Joanneum – Institut für Kunst im öffentlichen Raum Steiermark

Elevate Festival February 28, 2023
Graz, Austria

Gibanja Festival by KONTEJNER, October 22-23, 2023
Zagreb, Croatia

22 – 23 Oct 2023


Zagreb (HR)

Partner Organisation

Event category
